Writing Past Rejection and to Success!
Instructor: Virginia Pye
Signup: $65 Members, $75 Non-members
Scholarships Available
Everyone knows that succeeding as a writer isn’t easy and that rejection in our business is rampant. But overcoming discouragement is an absolute necessity if we are going to succeed. In this seminar, we will consider what it takes to develop a thick skin while remaining hopeful. Come ready to share about your projects and discuss next possible steps. We will create practical goals and dream big. We will consider how to decide when to stick with a project and when to set it aside. How to tell when a work is ready to be sent out to agents or for publication. Who to listen to when making such assessments. And how to generate more than one writing project without undermining our efforts. Mostly, we will prepare ourselves for a fickle market as we aim for success.